The ribbon is cut across the door of the new Roger Bullivant Limited (RB) headquarters in Swadlincote, South Derbyshire. The foundation engineering company has moved from the former HQ in Drakelow, Burton on Trent, a site which is earmarked for housing.
The first to move across were office staff, phase two will see the move of plant design, pile store, garage and piling operations with the last move, production, completing the move from the Drakelow site. Orders for new batching and rebar machinery are already in place.
The ribbon was cut by Didier Verrouil, CEO of Bachy Soletanche the parent company of RB, accompanied by RB Managing Director Gary Farnell.
In a speech to the workforce Didier said it was a pleasure and honour to open the new offices and plant yard.
“I must confess I have a soft spot for RB. I often use you as a fine example within the BS Group because of your clever strategic planning,” he said.
Didier said the new office and production facility represented an important investment, but RB warranted it and deserved it.
RB produces over one million metres of precast piles every year. Laid end to end they would stretch for over 600 miles.
The company also produces a precast house foundation system which is used by every major house builder in the UK.
South Derbyshire District Council were instrumental in ensuring a major employer remained in the area.
Council Chief Executive Frank McArdle said: “The company were determined to remain within South Derbyshire which is another example of the confidence large companies have in Swadlincote and the skills of its residents. This investment will lead to further job creation beyond the numbers of jobs already secured by this move from Drakelow to Swadlincote. It has been a pleasure to work with the company.”
RB employs over 400 people countrywide and also operates out of eight other specialist centres across the UK.
Opening of new RB HQ Walton Park